Samuel Edward Konkin III, the founder of Agorism
Its ironic that I am writing this, considering that it was when I read about Agorism* on Wikipedia almost six years ago that I realized free markets were superior to socialism. But there is much more to libertarianism than agorism. Indeed, I take a broad view of the idea to be a bit more inclusive. While I condemn mutualists and many so-called left-libertarians, they are on the right track, unlike communists. Since that time, Ive moved around a bit. I still like Agorism, but my experience shows that it is just not going to be our savior. It might not even play much of a role in rolling back the state.
I recently watched a short video (below) by Vox that shows life in Cuba. This is a good video to show your leftist friends who still insist Cuba is a great example (they have gone silent on Venezuela of course). Basically, no one gets paid enough to live. The government has had to grant private licenses for small businesses. Engineers drive taxis and make more in a fare than they would in a month. Nurses run small restaurants that offer good food, and often food at all because the government restaurants have none.
Cuba has a blooming underground economy, both legal and not, for fifty years and more. So have many other places. But in fifty years, has agorism even dented the government power or made people more inclined to a stateless free market? I do not see any evidence of that. The only reforms came when the Soviet aid dried up and when the government issued private licenses.
Here in New Hampshire, even with all the libertarians and supporters, while agorism somewhat flourishes with underground diners, backroom pharmacists, and some other enterprises, none of that has changed a thing other than being able to avoid taxes and regulations, which is great, but it does not bring down the state. At the end of the day, laws have to be repealed. And many here have. Many in Cuba have and many still will be. But it will not be people selling newspapers in a back alley, or empanadas in a side room that undermines the state. It will be an unfortunate negotiation with terrorists, people who are simply mistaken, or want to hold on to power. In fact, a large uprising probably would bring more reform than if everyone made a couple bucks or pesos behind closed doors. Agorism is fun, a great idea, and at least gets people thinking, but it cannot be considered a real solution to eliminating the state.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-mUZRP-fpo&w=560&h=315]
*I have linked to the article as I had seen it. It has since been changed quite a bit.
SEK, the guy you speak of, was a vicious anti-Semite. Sad that you are promoting him, very sad. And pathetic.
There is a very good possibility that Konkin was himself Jewish, which does not exclude the possibility of self-hatred, but your claim is completely unfounded and ridiculous. Go back to Chelm Free Yellow and Angry Bitter Man, you clown.