NEWS: Scott Walker visits New Hampshire

Media goons swarm Scott Walker

Media goons swarm Scott Walker

Today, Scott Walker came to a pizzeria/diner inĀ  Manchester, New Hampshire to meet with supporters and potential supporters. I have previously noted my support for Walker over Rand Paul. Walker is more electable and has a record of success. He also is a governor, while senators have brought us problems. Not to mention that we really need Rand in the Senate and he can do more there than as President. Walker has views that should concern us, but he is no Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. He would be an ally to a libertarian Congress.

As soon as he entered, Walker was crowded by reporters. He began to make his way from table to table after a brief speech. A man at my table said “Id rather watch the circus, than be a part of it.” We all heartily agreed. The governor made sure to stop by every table and shake hands with everyone. Stickers and posters and lawn signs were available for the taking.

A handful of trolls snuck in. One managed to talk to him for a few minutes about some program she supported. Another one held up a sign that said SCOTT WALKER 4 PRESIDENT on one side as a decoy, and a fake check from the Koch Brothers on the other. The signholder was politely asked to leave and did.

A woman is interviewed by an Iowa paper

A woman is interviewed by an Iowa paper

I met with one of the directors for their campaign here in New Hampshire, in order to get involved and help out with the campaign. While talking to people, I met quite a few who were sympathetic to Rand Paul, but agreed that Walker is a more practical choice. After he finished doing the rounds, he left for a candidates forum later on, and then the reporters moved around to get quotes from attendees.

It is a long and obnoxious road ahead, but this is definitely another boon to the Free State Project being in New Hampshire. We get a lot of attention and influence. While many libertarians dont care about the presidential race, there are many effects related to it. I think its important to help shape things as we can. No matter what is said about agorism and everything, at the end of the day, laws need to be repealed. There wont be a revolution because Clinton and Bush are the nominees. Liberty was not destroyed in a day; it wont be restored in a day.

I expect to go to future events for candidates I am supportive of, and possibly those I oppose as a journalist (and maybe troll). I think that may enable me to more effectively pursue a libertarian message than when I am potentially confronted with the candidate I support.

Does Walker sympathize with black and yellow?

Does Walker sympathize with liberty (black and yellow)?

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