From Small City Mayor to Presidential Candidate: Bernie Sanders and a Third Party Success Story

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders, an apostate Jew and Independent US Senator from Vermont, recently announced that he would be running for president in 2016 as a Democrat. Sanders has long caucused with the Democrats, despite not running as one. Complementing that, the Democrats dont run candidates against him in Vermont. Sanders does not really expect to win, but as a titan of the far-left, he hopes to give frontrunner Hillary Clinton some things to think about.

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Is libertarianism too pure?

Whatever principle guides you as a libertarian, whether the non-aggression, the silver rule, or some other general pronouncement, its pretty much always an absolutist position. Exceptions are not allowed. Thinking about immigration and open borders (something I only began to support, not after becoming a libertarian, but after also having a horrifying experience while reentering the United States), Ive wondered if libertarianism is so pure it could lead to its own demise.

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The Silver Rule: An Alternative to the Non-Aggression Principle

The Non-Aggression Principle, or NAP, is one of the key phrases in libertarianism. It is “an ethical stance which asserts that aggression is inherently illegitimate.” Most libertarians in the general movement are aware of the principle and either explicitly abide by it, or implicitly do. The principle has been criticized from various angles over the years. For example, does it apply to a fetus? to a nonhuman animal? And what if you see someone tipping over a train platform, can you grab them and pull them back? You have aggressed against them, but it was to prevent harm from coming to them.

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Buy Silver

Mercury dimes

Mercury dimes

Every now and then, but not as often as I should, I implore followers to “Buy Silver!” This may seem a bit nuts in general, and also has to compete with bitcoin, othercoins, and gold in just libertarianland, let alone the rest of the world. Personally, I think that inflation is the absolute most important issue facing the world, and this should be the biggest concern for libertarians (despite my support for pluralism). Yes, more important than the drug war and the police state. The reason being is that solving inflation solves almost everything else. By not diluting the currency, the economy will be much stronger and people will find they need less authoritarianism, less escapes from reality, and less income from immoral and degenerate sources. A secure currency is the heart of the economy. Would you fill your engine or machine with cheap, diluted oil?

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2015 Election for the Knesset of Israel Exit Poll Report

Well, the exit polls are in and there are a few surprises for sure. I have put them into a table for easy reading, along with the final prediction from Knesset Jeremy (KJ), who does an average of the polls, along with some sort of proprietary modelling to adjust for momentum. Finally, I averaged the three exit polls (Channels 1, 2, 10), which we can consider my calculated “prediction” (AVG). The actual results will shift a bit in the coming week or so as absentee ballots are tabulated.

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List of Jewish Libertarians

Jewish Libertarians:
Walter Block
Frank Chodorov
Moshe Feiglin
David Friedman
Patri Friedman
Glenn Greenwald
Henry Hazlitt (by mother)
Steve Horwitz
Israel Kirzner
Adam Kokesh
Ilana Mercer
Ludwig von Mises
Tonie Nathan
Murray Rothbard
Murray Sabrin
Irwin Schiff
Peter Schiff
Charlie Shrem
John Stossel
Aaron Swartz (הי״ד, זק״ל)

Eugene Volokh

Milton Friedman (libertarian conservative)
Ayn Rand (objectivist)

2015 International Students for Liberty Conference

This is my third time going to ISFLC (13-15 February 2015), and it was even better than last year. All the criticisms of SFL and its mentality aside, it is one of largest libertarian gatherings in the world, rivaling the Free State Projects PorcFest. Its largely an academic gathering, but anyone can attend. Well-known and lesser known libertarian organizations from CATO to the aforementioned to the Property and Environment Research Center sponsored booths and talks at the event. Leading speakers included a skype-in by Edward Snowden, a joint panel featuring Judge Napolitano and Ron Paul, Congressmen Jones, Amash, and Massie, and former Mexican president Vicente Fox, among others.

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PorcFest XII Plans!

Robert Murphy at PorcFest XI (2014)

Robert Murphy at PorcFest XI (2014)

Shavua Tov and good evening. I have begun to plan out some talks I am going to give at PorcFest this June 21-28. If you havent heard of PorcFest, check out my blog post about it. There has been an on and off Jewish presence at the festival, but with me moving to New Hampshire in (literally) a month or two, there will be a more permanent presence. Last year there was supposedly an Oneg planned, but I left before it occurred.
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Leftists, this one is on you (Eric Garner)

Eric Garner being killed by a chokehold

In July 2014, a man named Eric Garner was stopped by police for selling untaxed cigarettes. He was tired of being harassed regularly by police for engaging in a peaceful exchange of goods that harmed no third parties. He made the mistake of pushing them away, which was his right as a human, but never a wise idea. The original officer who stopped Garner, along with another nearby, proceeded to attempt to arrest him. The latter put him in what is described as a chokehold. Chokeholds are legal police tactics under New York State Law, but have been prohibited by the NYPD for over two decades, for obvious reasons. Garner couldnt breathe, and eventually his heart gave out and he died. He was morbidly obese and had a whole host of health issues that almost certainly contributed to his death.

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The Problem with President Rand

One huge weakness with Rand Paul that Obama has also is that he is a senator and has no executive experience. This can lead to cronyism, terrible decisionmaking, and incompetence. Andrew Jackson would be another example (save that one exception we admire). This gives me a little discomfort and would make Gary Johnson a stronger candidate. I am still annoyed at him for not running for Senator, but if he ran as a Republican*, I could support him.

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