Recently, a Jewish dating app called JSwipe has come under fire from dating site JDate for “stealing” (heh) its idea of using J* for the purposes of bringing Jews together for romance. JDate is owned by Spark Networks, which also runs ChristianMingle, BlackSingles, and other specialized sites. They are trying to claim ownership of an idea, which while technically a debated concept among libertarians, is usually opposed. I should note that my older half-brother is a JDate success story.
Author Archives: JL
First Republican Debate Reaction
I know no one cares and I should go to sleep, but my mind is still fresh. As a reminder, I support Scott Walker. I also like Donald Trump, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz (even if hes not eligible).
Libertarians are Absolutely Insane when it comes to Immigration
I have wanted to jump into this for awhile with it being in the news (Bless your heart, Mr Trump) and all, but in my typical procrastinatory fashion, I put it off. No more! First, a brief history of my views on immigration. I have been on both sides and I have said truthful things both ways. There are some uncomfortable truths on both sides.
NEWS: Scott Walker visits New Hampshire
Today, Scott Walker came to a pizzeria/diner in Manchester, New Hampshire to meet with supporters and potential supporters. I have previously noted my support for Walker over Rand Paul. Walker is more electable and has a record of success. He also is a governor, while senators have brought us problems. Not to mention that we really need Rand in the Senate and he can do more there than as President. Walker has views that should concern us, but he is no Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. He would be an ally to a libertarian Congress.
Parashah Matoth
This parashah, Matoth (Bemidbar/Numbers 30:2–32:42) is the penultimate parashah of Bemidbar and is sometimes combined with the subsequent one, Mase`ei. This is the story of the importance of spoken promises or vows, the attack against the Midianites, the disobedience by the soldiers to Moses, the cleansing after war, the inventorying of spoils, and the agreement that Gadites and Re’uvenites could settle east of the Jordan if they provided troops in war.

Reuben and Gad Ask for Land by Arthur Boyd Houghton
Legalized Poaching makes as much sense as Legalized Murder
With the whole controversy about a lion being killed by an American for sport, many libertarians have noted that licensed hunting (suddenly they support that!) brings great benefits to the species and the locals. A hunter can pay a hefty fee for the privilege to hunt an animal and the money goes to raise more animals and conservation efforts. Some of the money can also go to locals, and the meat is often given or sold to them as well. This does have the potential for a sustainable business. An entrepreneur could breed lions and give out a handful of permits every year. However, there is a question if any of this is even justified.
RawStory Completely Switches on Immigration
Communist web-rag RawStory recently popped out a story entitled Bernie Sanders explodes a right-wing myth: ‘Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal’. Now that Bernie Sanders has doubled down on restricting immigration, likely making Rep. Luis Gutierrez apoplectic, the socialist rabble have to realign their opinions. Why, it was just a few months ago, that RawStory was cheering on mass immigration. And then a few weeks ago, they were criticizing Scott Walker for wanting to restrict even legal immigration. The socialist media was condemning him for walking away from an illegal immigrant family. What gives?
Sandra Bland was an Idiot trying to be a Martyr
I remember, weeks ago, mentions about the suicide of a woman in her jail cell. I didnt pay much mind to it at the time, but its interesting how these stories develop and seem to be chosen by the media, or an interest group. Then, about a week ago, an admin at African Americans for Liberty messaged the page to ask if I had heard of her. I said I was not sure, and he wanted to get it going in the libertysphere because it wasnt getting much press. Apparently, it was a case of police brutality. I believe this is the article I read at the time, upon searching “Sandra Bland”. I recommend watching the video there at some point.
Islamist Iran is Absolutely Nothing Like Nazi Germany
The neocons (aka Trotskyists—communists) have been trotting (heh) out a bunch of nonsense comparing Obama and the West to Neville Chamberlain because of the supposedly weak deal made with Iran over its nuclear program. Personally, I dont think Iran is producing nuclear weapons, but thats another story. The neocons are fearmongering that Iran will do something bad next, hinting at what Hitler did, but usually they are only able to come up with nuking or attacking Israel, Europe, and America.
Lets take a look at what actually happened in Nazi Germany and Islamist Iran. I am going to ignore the justifications used for some of these actions to maintain impartiality.
Parashah Pinehas
I am two Shabbats behind, but I intend to make them up anyway. Two Shabbats ago, the parashah was Pinehas (Bemidbar/Numbers 25:10–30:1). This is the story of the inheritance of the priesthood, the revenge against the Midianites, a second census, the divisions of land, questions of inheritance, the succession of Moshe, and what offerings are to be made every year.