Recently, a Jewish dating app called JSwipe has come under fire from dating site JDate for “stealing” (heh) its idea of using J* for the purposes of bringing Jews together for romance. JDate is owned by Spark Networks, which also runs ChristianMingle, BlackSingles, and other specialized sites. They are trying to claim ownership of an idea, which while technically a debated concept among libertarians, is usually opposed. I should note that my older half-brother is a JDate success story.
Category Archives: Judaism
Parashah Matoth
This parashah, Matoth (Bemidbar/Numbers 30:2–32:42) is the penultimate parashah of Bemidbar and is sometimes combined with the subsequent one, Mase`ei. This is the story of the importance of spoken promises or vows, the attack against the Midianites, the disobedience by the soldiers to Moses, the cleansing after war, the inventorying of spoils, and the agreement that Gadites and Re’uvenites could settle east of the Jordan if they provided troops in war.

Reuben and Gad Ask for Land by Arthur Boyd Houghton
Parashah Pinehas
I am two Shabbats behind, but I intend to make them up anyway. Two Shabbats ago, the parashah was Pinehas (Bemidbar/Numbers 25:10–30:1). This is the story of the inheritance of the priesthood, the revenge against the Midianites, a second census, the divisions of land, questions of inheritance, the succession of Moshe, and what offerings are to be made every year.
Parashah Balaq
This coming Shabbat, the parashah is Balaq (Bemidbar/Numbers 22:2–25:9). This is the story of Balaq, king of Moav, who wants to attack the Israelites. He consults the foreign prophet Bil`am for help in cursing Israel so they can be defeated, but God says to Bil`am that Israel is blessed. Balaq reluctantly accepts the futility of his plan. Finally, the camped Israelites whore out with Midianite women and are punished.
Parashah Huqath
This past Shabbat, the parashah was Huqath (Bemidbar/Numbers 19:1-22:1). This is the story of the red heifer, the striking of the rock that kept Moshe and Aharon out of Israel, the death of Aharon and ascension of his son El`azar, and the attempted passing thru a few kingdoms.
Jewish Libertarians at PorcFest XII
The Porcupine Freedom Festival is now over, and it took a day to recover from the sleepless nights, the cold, the dirt, and the general depletion of energy. Along with attending events, hanging out, and selling snacks, I tabled for and represented Jewish Libertarians. Despite an almost complete lack of preparation, throwing things together at the last minute, I managed to make a mark.
Questions #1

Tools of the trade (Taken by Travis Wheeler)
I was asked to talk about this awhile ago, so here we go. This is only going to be about male circumcision, as female circumcision is not practiced in Judaism.
Circumcision is a major symbol of Judaism, just like avoiding pork (despite the fact that shrimp and rabbits are also not kosher). Indeed, in ancient times when Jews came into contact with Greeks and Romans, it was used as a sign to determine who was Jewish. Circumcision became more popular in the West in the 1900s, especially in the United States, and notably, Korea. Additionally, it is very common in religious countries, such as most of the Muslim world, Israel, Central Africa, and the Philippines. Australia also appears to have had a flirtation with the practice in the mid to late 20th century, but it is declining heavily. There is a divergence in when the procedure is performed. In the United States, Israel, and possibly Korea, it is performed at or near birth. In most other religious contexts, it is performed around puberty, where it can be more controversial and painful (explicit video).
List of Jewish Libertarians
Jewish Libertarians:
Walter Block
Frank Chodorov
Moshe Feiglin
David Friedman
Patri Friedman
Glenn Greenwald
Henry Hazlitt (by mother)
Steve Horwitz
Israel Kirzner
Adam Kokesh
Ilana Mercer
Ludwig von Mises
Tonie Nathan
Murray Rothbard
Murray Sabrin
Irwin Schiff
Peter Schiff
Charlie Shrem
John Stossel
Aaron Swartz (הי״ד, זק״ל)
Eugene Volokh
Milton Friedman (libertarian conservative)
Ayn Rand (objectivist)
Is Zionism part of Judaism?
There are many definitions of Zionism, some right, some wrong, some partially right, some partially wrong. A good, concise definition is the philosophy that Jews, the Children of Israel should return to the land of Israel, live there, and secure and defend their lives there.
Anti-Zionists on the internet like to wave around groups like the “True Torah Jews” and the “Neturei Karta” as examples of Jewish anti-Zionists. While it is true that the most religious Jewish groups originally were opposed to modern Zionism, it was mainly because semi-secular groups were leading it, and not them. Today, things have changed, and most very religious Jews support modern Zionism to at least some extent. However, opposition still exists, both in Israel and abroad.
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