What exactly has been so bad about the past 5 years of gridlock? You see, socialists like Bawney Fwank here, cant stand to see government not adding more and more laws. The combination of a Democrat as President and a staunchly Republican Congress has done absolute wonders for America by preventing new laws. The same occurred in the 95-97 Congress with Bill Clinton.
Author Archives: JL
Libertarians should buy local
I know half of libertarians will agree and probably already try to buy local; this is common in New Hampshire, where I reside. The other half will cite CATO, Skeptical Libertarian, and assorted memes, claiming that its actually better for costs and the environment to ship strawberries from California. In a sense, both views are correct. In fact, I am not really going to oppose buying from “abroad”, provided it is local to that place. This will make more sense in a few paragraphs.
The News Media are responsible for constant mass shootings
Every time there is a mass shooting in America, all the usual suspects come out and point fingers. The socialists blame guns, the conservatives blame violent media, and everyone blames mental health. Guns are not the problem. Shootings always happen in places where guns arent readily accessible or are thought to be so. Violent media exists in every country and is worse in many countries that do not even have mass stabbings, let alone shootings. There are depressed, suicidal, and mentally ill people all over the world, and yet these attacks mainly happen here. And no, it isnt because other countries have better health systems. They dont. We probably have the best mental health response in the world. So what is the real reason for these attacks? And why do they often happen at schools.
Why Jewish educators need to teach the Nazi perspective
As the new school year gets underway, Jewish educators are making decisions regarding how best to teach about German Jews and the Jewish-Nazi conflict. Most begin with the premise that Jewish students should learn to support German Jews and defend their actions. Throughout the year, their lesson plans will flow from this fundamental objective.
Denominations in Judaism vs Christianity
A few times over the past few months, I have had to explain the practice of Judaism to nonJews, usually those more familiar with Christianity. Like Christianity and other religions, Judaism also has denominations. However, it is a bit different in Judaism than Christianity. I like to say that while Christianity is like a tree with many branches and subbranches, Judaism is more like a spectrum. That is not to say that Judaism does not have branches, but the main difference is spectral.
Collectivist Stagnation
Collectivist Stagnation: A look at how collectivism leads nowhere
Communists and their ilk frequently state the needs for social justice and that the market cannot provide for all the needs of people adequately. They present a string of bleeding heart causes (nevermind that it is the state that causes these hardships) and conclude that socialist forced collectivism must be enacted to accommodate these “needs”. However, history has shown that these various schemes to be abject failures.
Child Labor
Child Labor: A look at a statist scare story and how to show it baseless
We free marketists argue that there should be no government whatsoever. No arbitrary laws restricting trade. One such law, present in all industrialized countries, involves “child labor”. The term “labor” usually conjures up the thought of hard work, sweat, and toil. Statists argue that it is necessary to forbid such a possibility so that young, vulnerable children are not threatened or abused by it. We argue that there should be no such restrictions and statists think we are mad. However, like most statist arguments, this is completely ignorant of reality and the needs of society.
Marijuana as a currency
I recently posted an article about the importance of alternative currencies. After posting it, I began to think about other alternatives in this day and age. What could be used as a currency if cash and precious metals werent readily available? A currency needs to be portable, divisible, durable, rare, and fungible. What might arise naturally as a currency temporarily or permanently?
The Importance of Alternative Currencies
There has been a growing movement among the powers that be to get us ready for a cashless society. It has started off with opinion pieces, like one by apostate and Keynesian sociopath Ken Rogoff. They want to see all cash eliminated or hampered with fees. It infuriates them so much that they cant monitor cash transactions and cant steal our money to pay for their failed stimulus programs, bailouts, and inflationing. They also say it would be easy to impose taxes to pay for whatever programs if the government could simply have direct access to your account. How this obviously communist proposal can get mainstream coverage is astounding. The banks are already effectively part of the government, now they want to basically hand over complete control. Why not outright nationalize the entire banking industry and make it a government monopoly? Thats effectively what these terrorists and tyrants are advocating. Now, the Financial Times has come out with a piece arguing for banning the “barbarous relic”, as Keynes referred to gold.
The real Donald Trump conspiracy theory
There has been a lot of sweating going around as Donald Trump rises to the top of the Republican primary race. Why ever they would be upset that someone is clearing the field and becoming a strong and consistent frontrunner is beyond me. Certainly, the polls now show Hillary completely destroying him in the general, but they also show her winning Arkansas and Texas against more standard candidates, which is patently ridiculous to anyone. With every attempt to eliminate Trump failing, and grave fears that he may pursue a third party run, the Republican establishment is going thru back channels and pulling out all the stops to discredit him. Along with all the smears, the latest accusation is that he is a Hillary Clinton plant.