If you want to know how meaningless the spot price of silver is, try to buy some physical silver. The spot price is currently about $14.80. To buy a generic ounce round, youll have to pay $16, an 8.5% premium. 10 and 100oz bars are cheaper (6.8% and 4.9% respectively). When I bought some 10 oz bars a few months ago, the premium was 2.7%. And then we come to my personal favorite: junk silver.
Author Archives: JL
Bernie Sanders has a Gender Gap
With the sudden surge in popularity for Bernie Sanders, I decided to check out the polls to see how he does among black voters. I had read that he had a bit of a problem with them, and indeed, he does. But, then I noticed something stark and unexpected: he has a HUGE gap among women. This is important to take note of and might pose a bit of a problem for the socialist Senator from Vermont.
Iowa and New Hampshire are Critical Primaries to Win
A 2012 oped in the LA Times noted that, with one exception, the eventual nominee in both parties had won either in Iowa or New Hampshire. Had Ron Paul won in Iowa (he almost did, and did among men), he would have had a stronger shot at the nomination. Indeed, he came in second in New Hampshire, and a win in Iowa could have propelled that towards a win, pulling Romney to a halt. Instead, Romney won both and the rest was a slow death.
President Sanders and a Republican Congress Might be Good for Liberty
Surely, I have gone mad to even suggest Bernie Sanders become president. With the socialist of Jewish descent rising in the polls against Hillary, the odds have increased a bit. He has even come within shouting distance of her in the key opening primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire. If he wins Iowa, he probably would win New Hampshire. And suddenly he would prove a formidable opponent to Hillary. Not bad for the former small-town mayor.
ENDORSEMENT: Scott Walker for President
I have previously stated on the Facebook page that I prefer Scott Walker to Rand Paul for a few reasons. I have previously highlighted a few concerns about Rand, and difficulties he would face. Walker is a popular two-term governor, who also faced down a recall forced by socialist activists. He has implemented right to work (which is debated by libertarians), hampered the government unions, cut spending, focused on increasing ONLY private sector jobs, and absolutely infuriated socialists nationwide. As governor of a state Republicans have come close to winning in three of the past four elections, it is a crucial swing state. Along with that, his local starpower could swing Iowa and Minnesota.
Oregon and the Gas Tax Problem
In my opinion, a fuel tax is actually one of the least bad taxes. It almost always applies exclusively to those benefitting from its spending (ie roads). In theory, this should work out fairly. In reality, its almost impossible within the price system to reconcile the costs of road construction and maintenance with a gas tax. Despite the fact that wear and tear on roads probably correlates well with fuel consumption, it would be excessively complex to concretely correspond the two.
Parashah Balaq
This coming Shabbat, the parashah is Balaq (Bemidbar/Numbers 22:2–25:9). This is the story of Balaq, king of Moav, who wants to attack the Israelites. He consults the foreign prophet Bil`am for help in cursing Israel so they can be defeated, but God says to Bil`am that Israel is blessed. Balaq reluctantly accepts the futility of his plan. Finally, the camped Israelites whore out with Midianite women and are punished.
Accounting for May/June 2015
I have prepared a spreadsheet of all accounting and funds transfers regarding Jewish Libertarians as an organization. My sympathies to any accountants out there; this took me a couple hours to work out some bugs in the balance.
Zionist “Settler” + Arabs vs Socialist Troublemaker
Recently, some socialists came to Hevron to cause trouble as they often do and try to stir up the Arabs. One activist was walking around drinking water in front of Muslims who cannot eat or drink during their Ramadan fast—a true insensitivity! Meanwhile, the settler Zionist who has dealings with the Arabs confronts her and shames her. He then asks the Arabs how they feel and they agree that she is being disrespectful.
Parashah Huqath
This past Shabbat, the parashah was Huqath (Bemidbar/Numbers 19:1-22:1). This is the story of the red heifer, the striking of the rock that kept Moshe and Aharon out of Israel, the death of Aharon and ascension of his son El`azar, and the attempted passing thru a few kingdoms.