Enough with the Superdelegates

I planned to write this post a month ago, but as always, I got distracted and the uproar faded.

superdelegateOn one side, Bernie Sanders supporters were freaking out that Hillary Clinton technically got the same number of delegates as him thanks to superdelegates. Superdelegates are elected Democrat officials in each state who are automatically delegates to the convention. They were implemented in large part after the George McGovern and Jesse Jackson campaigns. Both put a scare in the establishment that a far left rabble rouser might get the nomination. Neither did in the end because they were too narrow, not because of superdelegates.

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Obama nominates Jewish judge for SCOTUS


Merrick Garland

Today, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a Jewish judge on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Garland appears to only be Jewish by his mother, as his father is some sort of Christian, unless he had converted. If confirmed, Garland would join Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan to become the fourth justice of Jewish descent on the Court. Garland was nominated to the Court of Appeals in 1997 by President Bill Clinton, and was tapped as a potential nominee when John Paul Stevens retired. Kagan ultimately was chosen.

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Why do libertarians hate Donald Trump so much?

paultrumpLibertarians, with a small minority of exceptions, have an almost universal hatred of the 2016 Donald Trump campaign. Time and time again I will see a random vicious anti-Trump comment, squint at the profile picture, and see that its from a Rand supporter. The two traits seem to go together, even more than the establishment hates Trump. Indeed, the feud emerged in the first debate and second debate, not to mention in between. Perhaps the Rand supporters are just taking cues from their fearless leader (dont get me wrong, I do like him). I am not convinced of this playing any more than a minor role.

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Swiss Elections Swing Right; Canadians Head to the Polls

Toni Brunner (Swiss Peoples Party) and Stephen Harper (Conservative Party of Canada)

Toni Brunner (Swiss Peoples Party) and Stephen Harper (Conservative Party of Canada)

Switzerland held elections yesterday which saw the nationalist Swiss Peoples Party win a second election in a row and gain seats. The invader crisis from the Middle East likely played a big role and this should be a warning to other leaders such as Angela Merkel. Additionally, the classic liberal party FDP.The Liberals also gained seats. Most other parties lost an assortment of seats.

Today, Canadians head to the polls in what may be incumbent Stephen Harpers last term is Prime Minister. At the helm of Canada since 2006, Harper is a mixed bag of conservatism. He ended the long gun industry, cut taxes, and helped keep Canada stable thru recession and the recent resource crisis. Recent polls have shown the Conservatives, Liberals, and New Democratic Party (socialists) in the lead at some point or another, but currently the Liberals have the lead. The Liberal Party is led by the son of Pierre Trudeau, Justin, who is a Hillary Clinton type. He has made a big show of his inevitability, but has little actual experience or posture. The New Democratic Party faces a question of if they can hold onto Quebec, the principal source of their seats, and what finish they will make in the race for the top three.

I tried to troll a Bernie Sanders debate watch party

Presidential debates mean debate watch parties. I had the choice of staying at Americans for Prosperity (conservatives) after phonebanking, where we would cynically play entitlement bingo, or I could go to a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton watch party in an attempt to troll. I opted for Bernie, also being curious about the campaign, since libertarians agree with him on a few issues.

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Whats wrong with Washington gridlock?

What exactly has been so bad about the past 5 years of gridlock? You see, socialists like Bawney Fwank here, cant stand to see government not adding more and more laws. The combination of a Democrat as President and a staunchly Republican Congress has done absolute wonders for America by preventing new laws. The same occurred in the 95-97 Congress with Bill Clinton.

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The real Donald Trump conspiracy theory

There has been a lot of sweating going around as Donald Trump rises to the top of the Republican primary race. Why ever they would be upset that someone is clearing the field and becoming a strong and consistent frontrunner is beyond me. Certainly, the polls now show Hillary completely destroying him in the general, but they also show her winning Arkansas and Texas against more standard candidates, which is patently ridiculous to anyone. With every attempt to eliminate Trump failing, and grave fears that he may pursue a third party run, the Republican establishment is going thru back channels and pulling out all the stops to discredit him. Along with all the smears, the latest accusation is that he is a Hillary Clinton plant.

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NEWS: Scott Walker visits New Hampshire

Media goons swarm Scott Walker

Media goons swarm Scott Walker

Today, Scott Walker came to a pizzeria/diner in  Manchester, New Hampshire to meet with supporters and potential supporters. I have previously noted my support for Walker over Rand Paul. Walker is more electable and has a record of success. He also is a governor, while senators have brought us problems. Not to mention that we really need Rand in the Senate and he can do more there than as President. Walker has views that should concern us, but he is no Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. He would be an ally to a libertarian Congress.

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RawStory Completely Switches on Immigration

Communist web-rag RawStory recently popped out a story entitled Bernie Sanders explodes a right-wing myth: ‘Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal’. Now that Bernie Sanders has doubled down on restricting immigration, likely making Rep. Luis Gutierrez apoplectic, the socialist rabble have to realign their opinions. Why, it was just a few months ago, that RawStory was cheering on mass immigration. And then a few weeks ago, they were criticizing Scott Walker for wanting to restrict even legal immigration. The socialist media was condemning him for walking away from an illegal immigrant family. What gives?

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Islamist Iran is Absolutely Nothing Like Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler and Ali Khamenei

Adolf Hitler and Ali Khamenei

The neocons (aka Trotskyists—communists) have been trotting (heh) out a bunch of nonsense comparing Obama and the West to Neville Chamberlain because of the supposedly weak deal made with Iran over its nuclear program. Personally, I dont think Iran is producing nuclear weapons, but thats another story. The neocons are fearmongering that Iran will do something bad next, hinting at what Hitler did, but usually they are only able to come up with nuking or attacking Israel, Europe, and America.

Lets take a look at what actually happened in Nazi Germany and Islamist Iran. I am going to ignore the justifications used for some of these actions to maintain impartiality.

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