It must be tough to be a French libertarian, if there even are any. Ive never met one, but maybe they exist. I like to say that French politics consists of ten socialists parties, a globalist party, and a nationalist party. The country itself is a mix of deep socialism and traditonalism. So deeply tangled up in regulations and taxes that several books could be written about, its a wonder they even have an economy. What ever happened to the land that gave us the great Frederic Bastiat?
Category Archives: Government
Big Government Causes Income Inequality

Greener means more unequal
I was reading a City Journal article about how Californias rulers are leaving its younger population an awful state of affairs: low wages, limited jobs, expensive housing and other costs. The reasons for this are complex, mostly boiled down to big government, however, one thing stuck out at me: California has a massive income gap. Ironic given how liberals are always jumping and shouting about income inequality and their favorite state is one of the most egregious. I speculated that liberal states would be more unequal, and more conservative states would be more equal.
Where Were You People the Past 100 Years?

CNNs Wolf Blitzer
There should be two groups in the United States that must be ripping their hair out in a fury: Trump supporters and libertarians. Now, thats not to conflate the two groups. There is more overlap than libertarians like to admit, however, they are quite distinct. In any case, both have to be frustrated with the media coverage of the new president. Trump supporters are angry that the media will not let go of its deranged pathological hatred of the man, and libertarians wonder where this skeptical media has been.
Whats Next in Drug Legalization?
Despite Attorney General Jeff Sessions intent to recriminalize marijuana usage (rather than focus on what his boss was elected to do: immigration), legalization is going full steam ahead. Proponents are now probably where gay marriage supporters stood around 2008-2010. The outlook seemed good, but its not over yet. As it stands, the entire west coast and Alaska has legalized and life has gone on. They are joined by Colorado, and New England is making moves with Maine and Massachusetts voters having passed referendums to legalize. New Hampshire is a mostly legislative state and the House has passed legalization and decriminalization several times, but either the Senate or the Governor stops it. We finally have a governor willing to sign decrim (a Republican, after twelve years of Democrats who refused). And with states like Arkansas and Florida finally getting medical thru, the land of the free is at a crossroads. Only seven states retain a total prohibition. Now, its only a matter of time.
The UK Liberal Democrats are NOT a Libertarian Party

Not libertarian
British Prime Minister Theresa May announced an early election last week to help her with Brexit negotiations. She currently has a slim majority from David Camerons 2015 victory and polls show she would go from 330 seats to over 430 seats, out of 650. This will ensure more flexibility in negotiations and getting the withdrawal approved. Additionally, many remainer MPs could be ousted by voters who wanted Out, which means it will be smoother sailing. Conservative candidates will have to say they support the Prime Minister and leaving the European Union.
Inflating the Dollar Does Not Create Jobs
It must be frustrating to be a Trump supporter. It seems like the entire world is against you. The media has gone from loving a man who bombed a half dozen Muslim countries and stagnated the economy, among other things, to nitpicking a successful businessman who oversaw economic growth the day after being elected. It was not too long ago that Democrats were cheering the stock market and job growth under Obama. Nevermind that most or all of that happened only when Republicans took back Congress. When Trump does the same thing even faster and better, there is utter silence. Have we really come to such a psychologically 1984 world of doublethink? We were always at war with Eastasia or Eurasia or whatever it was.
Everyone should support #Calexit
After it became clear that Donald Trump would become president on the night of 8 November 2016, Democrats and related leftists began organizing a California secession campaign. The idea has lengthy roots, but gained massive steam when the election dust settled. By now, about a third of Californians, mostly Democrats, support the idea. And a group is beginning to gather signatures to put an advisory referendum on the ballot in 2018. But why would anyone oppose it?
Agorism in Cuba helps people survive, but is not the solution

Samuel Edward Konkin III, the founder of Agorism
Its ironic that I am writing this, considering that it was when I read about Agorism* on Wikipedia almost six years ago that I realized free markets were superior to socialism. But there is much more to libertarianism than agorism. Indeed, I take a broad view of the idea to be a bit more inclusive. While I condemn mutualists and many so-called left-libertarians, they are on the right track, unlike communists. Since that time, Ive moved around a bit. I still like Agorism, but my experience shows that it is just not going to be our savior. It might not even play much of a role in rolling back the state.
Swiss Elections Swing Right; Canadians Head to the Polls
Switzerland held elections yesterday which saw the nationalist Swiss Peoples Party win a second election in a row and gain seats. The invader crisis from the Middle East likely played a big role and this should be a warning to other leaders such as Angela Merkel. Additionally, the classic liberal party FDP.The Liberals also gained seats. Most other parties lost an assortment of seats.
Today, Canadians head to the polls in what may be incumbent Stephen Harpers last term is Prime Minister. At the helm of Canada since 2006, Harper is a mixed bag of conservatism. He ended the long gun industry, cut taxes, and helped keep Canada stable thru recession and the recent resource crisis. Recent polls have shown the Conservatives, Liberals, and New Democratic Party (socialists) in the lead at some point or another, but currently the Liberals have the lead. The Liberal Party is led by the son of Pierre Trudeau, Justin, who is a Hillary Clinton type. He has made a big show of his inevitability, but has little actual experience or posture. The New Democratic Party faces a question of if they can hold onto Quebec, the principal source of their seats, and what finish they will make in the race for the top three.
Whats wrong with Washington gridlock?
What exactly has been so bad about the past 5 years of gridlock? You see, socialists like Bawney Fwank here, cant stand to see government not adding more and more laws. The combination of a Democrat as President and a staunchly Republican Congress has done absolute wonders for America by preventing new laws. The same occurred in the 95-97 Congress with Bill Clinton.